Runs into Her Mate
Joyce Paz
Overhearing a murder conspiracy between two Alphas, Ava is running for her life. Those Alphas want t...
Chapter 1

"I killed Vanessa."

I hear the words from the room where my alpha, Trent, is in currently. The one speaking is from the Blood Tribe pack, which is headed by Trent's cousin, Steven.

Now this isn't such a big deal, right? Except only it is. Because everyone knows who Vanessa is. She's another alpha's mate from the north, Alpha Paxon. She was a soon-to-be luna until she got brutally murdered, and the news spread like wildfire. Investigations on who killed her are still going on, and Paxon said he'd kill the wolf that murdered her.

So here we are. With my worst timing possible. All I am to do here is give my alpha some paperwork about moving out of the pack temporarily for college.

Hearing those words makes me want to run and pretend I never heard them. Something like this is a serious offense, and I know my own alpha has something to do with Vanessa's murder.

I swallow the lump in my throat, turn around, pretend I heard nothing, and walk myself home. I will think about this later and ask my best friend what to do. Plan out the next move which would be-


I groan inwardly and pause mid-step. Why is it that when one is trying to be the most quiet, they only end up being the loudest?

With super wolf hearing, both alphas turn their attention to where I am.

"Ava!" my alpha's voice booms. That is when I bolted, not thinking of anything but escape.

"Get her! Call the guards!" Alpha Steven yells after me.

I need to get the heck out of here.

My heart is racing as I run into the woods where the pack patrol wouldn't be at. My dad's job as a patrol officer comes in handy today. See? Everything totally happens for a reason. Here I am, thinking that my dad's job is useless. Since my wolf has not come out yet and can't shift like the others, I have to run. Logically, I will not be able to outrun these werewolves, or anything for that matter, but if I have a head start, it will not hurt.

Running as fast as I can to where the town is to get an Uber, I take my phone out and see texts from my dad, mom, and sister. And like a hundred missed calls too. I guess I can reply,"Sorry guys! I think I'm going to die!".

It all sounds funny, except a text from my sister, Lisa, makes the situation scarier.

Lisa:Ava what did you do exactly for the alpha to say you committed treason and were to be brought home alive?


I block my mind link so my alpha will not know where I am or be able to get in my head, and so I can imagine why my parents are angry.

Forget dying by the alpha. My parents will do the job for him!

I hope no one believes the alpha. By "no one", I mean my family and my best friend, Julia. Everyone else in the pack isn't going to question the lying alpha.

As I am running for my life in these familiar woods, I wish for the millionth and one time that I can shift into a werewolf. It would have been so useful right now. White wolves are so overrated. Honestly, if I have a white wolf, I will not even use it. They are not special even though everyone makes them out to be. My sister is one, and people think she is the next best thing since sliced bread. She's not here to save the world or anything because I've seen her do track, and she busted her face.

Like a mad woman, I am out in the streets, which is the quickest way to the nearest town. I check my phone, which is at five percent. Seriously, Apple needs to do better, especially in situations like these where I need my phone or it'll cost me my life. The Uber driver is going to meet me at my favorite froyo place, which is the first location I thought of. My tears threaten to spill when I see her car coming towards me.

My driver stops in front of me, and I get in the car panting hard. "Just go anywhere far, far away from here please!"

She doesn't even ask me anything. She just hits the accelerator.

After a few moments of silence, she asks me, "Are you alright?".

I snap my eyes from the view by the window and swallow thickly. "No."

She glances in the rearview mirror and smiles.

"If you get cleaned up, I'm sure you'll be okay."

If only she knows. I'm still shaking. How I am managing this is beyond me, but knowing that the car is getting further away from the pack territory is reassuring.

As if things can't get any worse, my phone dies all of a sudden.

My mind is racing a million miles a minute. I wonder if the alpha is going to do anything to my family. The thought alone makes me want to go back. But they don't know anything. My family is innocent in all of this.

"Uhm, do you know any hotels around here?" I ask her.

"Sure thing. I'll just exit right here, and I can find you one," she says.

That's when I realize: money. I have none. Shoot. Shoot. Crappity crap sticks.

I run my hand through my face. How could I be so dumb and not realize I don't have any money? Money is so important out here in the human world. Without money, you're gone. Done for. Homeless.

Maybe I can request sanctuary in a pack?

Where am I at anyways?

"We're here," she says cheerfully, turning around.

We make eye contact, and I open my mouth to tell her that I have no money, but she raises a hand in protest. "You don't have to pay."

"Oh my gosh," I tell her in great relief. "Thank you so much!"

"You look like you've had better days. I also think you don't have any money for the hotel or food, so..." She digs in her wallet and pulls out a whopping two hundred dollars.

My eyes widen. "I can't take this-"

"Nonsense. Us women have to look out for each other, you know." She winks and forcefully hands me the money.